3 Reasons Why Practicing Yoga and Meditation will Improve Your Life
Sep 26, 2022
Here are Stella Luna Yoga, we love how Yoga and Meditation has grown in popularity. More and more people are seeing the benefits. And even doctors are recommending it for stress reduction and improved overall health.
But WHY?
Why do we need these practices in our life?
Here are 3 Reasons Why Practicing Yoga and Meditation will Improve Your Life:
1. Living from our heads versus Living from our hearts
We have tried for so long to lead with our heads and it has led to an increase in stress, anxiety and autoimmune disorders. It just doesn't work. It hasn't worked and it's not going to work, ever. The awareness and mindfulness gained from practicing Yoga and Meditation teaches you to live with your heart. And when you lead from your heart, it is a lot easier to let go of negative emotions and to move forward with peace and ease.
As you begin to learn to lead with your hearts you will figure it out. I promise.
2. Finding Joy
Do something that brings you joy. Right now think of three things that bring utter joy and peace and just make your heart smile. Got em’? How can you do one of those things in the next couple of days? Can you do it this weekend? Can you schedule it into your planner?
Yoga and Meditation help you sort through the contrast of modern-day living, so you can figure out what brings you joy.
There are so many ways to get into your heart. All you have to do is practice. Everyday.
3. Feel empowered to give yourself what you need
Practicing Yoga and Meditation allows you the space to figure out what you need and to do it. This is taking your health into your own hands. Being your own healer.
These days I have added one superfood green juice daily. 7 super food salads in a glass (use my code Stella Luna) It will supply my body with the nutrition that it needs. I sip it while I listen to mother Mary light codes. It relaxes and de-stresses me. I take one yoga class a week in a studio. I meditate daily (this took me years to get to). I lift some weights once a week, mostly I walk and my favorite practice is laying around at the beach. 'Cause I live in California and I can.
How to apply your practices:
When you wake up in the morning and plan your day. Plan where your practice is going to be. Keep that promise to yourself. Some days it will be an hour stroll by the beach with your journal, some days it will be taking an online yoga class, some days it will be just sitting down and taking a few breathes and listening to a guided visualization. It needs to happen for your health and for your instant wealth.
Just practice. It doesn't matter what kind of practice you do or for how long. Just do it.
Vinyasa. Hatha. Hot. Power Yoga. Kundalini Yoga. Breathework. Meditation. Visualization. Listen to your favorite song. Dance around the house. Do some art.
For the health of your family. For the health of you. For the health of this planet. Practice.
With All My heart,
Welcome to Stella Luna Yoga School!
We have been teaching yoga, leading retreats & training eager yoga teachers for over 2 decades.
We understand the need for a practical application of yoga in order to live in this modern-day culture with peace and ease. So, our programs & retreats blend traditional yogic teachings and philosophy with practical spirituality in order to provide a holistic approach to living yoga.
We strive to bridge the gap between yoga, energy healing, intuition development and functional fitness, so everything we teach is easy to navigate and we provide ample information & mentorship to help you focus on your self growth and personal development.
We always provide a heart-centered space for you to cultivate your own path as a more aware human.
For more information on retreats and/or yoga teacher trainings visit: www.StellaLunaYoga.com