Jessi and Stella are so different, yet fit together so well.Ā
Jessi likes to run, Stella does not. If Stella eats the top of the cake, Jessi eats the bottom. Jessi was trained as a soccer player, Stella was trained in classical ballet . They are both artists of the soul that love to play and dance and sing, they both found themselves on the mat and dedicated their lives to this sacred ancient practice that is the root of all wholistic healing and the science of life.
Hi I'm Stella
When I found yoga I was in love. I finally found a step by step system that explained the things I was already practicing.
As a kid, you could find me eating sardines, learning to cross my eyes, while I was talking to the flowers and my invisible friends.Ā
I opened my own studio 2012-2020 and named it Stella Luna because of the book Stella Luna's message that even though we are all different at the end, were all the same
Change is the only constant and Stella Luna Yoga expanded into the online space, where we offer education, inspiration and so much more than yoga poses
In 2012, I met Jessi. After her teacher training and mentorship with me, she began teaching at my studio. And weā€™ve been working together ever since.
Many people had approached me with the question to write my own curriculum for a yoga school and it wasn't until Jessi that it was a YES.Ā
Our different perspectives,Ā styles of teaching, the way we think and our physical bodies compliment each other so we are able to offer so so much. Together we are able to achieve our same goal of sharing the benefits of yoga with you.
We are on a mission to share safe, effective and accessible practicesĀ and spread loving kindness like glitter, while opening your hips and mind in a fun practical way.