Stella Luna Yoga

More than Yoga . . . 

We teach people, not poses.

Courses, Retreats & Spiritual Development    Safe traditional yoga 

Open Heart Centered Community

With a gentle yet defined system we support teachers & healers
Hybrid learning - online & in-person.
Yoga, Functional Fitness, Intuition development for yoga lovers

Self Paced 

Start Anytime 

Deepen your practice with this course. 

Dive into the 8 limbs of yoga

Your body is perfect just the way it is. 

Learn how to move safely 

Complete in as little as 15 weeks

Exchange $888

After completion of this course you can come on retreat and become a certified 200-hour Yoga Teacher 

3 Easy Payments

Sept 6th - Dec 20th, 2024


Fridays 4-6pm PST on Zoom
In Person Sun Oct 20, Nov 10, Dec 15
Hybrid online & in-person learning
Total Exchange  $1488
In order to complete your Yoga Alliance certification you are required to complete all assignments, have an exit interview & go on a retreat with us.
I'm in! Here's my $222 deposit!

YouTube Channel 

Our unique approach to this timeless tradition adapted for the householder.

Safety is our first priority.

Honor the practice & apply it to your life in 8 simple steps.

Release judgement & free yourself of limiting beliefs.

Long and short practices.

Practical tips

We teach people, not poses 

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Stella Luna Merchandise is Here   

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Claim your power with confidence and kindness. Reframe your limiting beliefs 


Strategically arranging your souls mission with your daily practices for yourself is the thing you can do to Be the change in the world 


Dream awake your wildest dreams when your body mind and soul converge to create health and wealth. Remember who you are, free from fear and limiting beliefs