Kambo Peptides
Dec 18, 2024
Kambo is the name of the frog and the treatment of its secretion. You can think of it as a peptide supplement. It is a unique and complex blend of bioactive peptides that is used for a range of benefits. It has been used for centuries in the jungle of the Amazon and is relatively new to the US.
I would like to start by saying that Kambo changed the way my body has healed, it has helped me unlock parts of myself that I thought were stuck forever and this is why I am devoted to protecting this little frog in any way that I can. I am not a scientist and it has taken me a lot to understand the building blocks of our bodies.
I have spent relentless hours making sense of it. I don't know that any of this is truly necessary because Kambo is something to experience. It is like meditation, we can talk about it all day but until you really practice it for yourself, there is much to be desired.
Kambo claims not to heal anything. Kambo is a frog, frogs are on the planet to share their songs and their secretions. There is a lot left to research. The results speak for themselves and the individual experience.
Kambo, in my opinion, is a spiritual experience and as I say repeatedly, this is a wonderful time to be alive when science is meeting spirit to harmonize our existence.
I am not a scientist, but I have been to hell and back and this Kambo sure helped my journey with of clarity in my body and my mind
I feel like if people really understood the power of this unique combination of spiritual and physical healing and how we can consciously use these peptides, people would be lining up for Kambo.
So, what is a peptide?
A peptide is a short string of amino acids, usually consisting of two to fifty amino acids. An amino acid is an individual molecule, whereas a peptide is formed by the bonding of multiple amino acids. I like to think about it like amino acids are the letters of the alphabet and when you put them together you get words, but in this case, you get peptides
Amino acids synthesize proteins, they are literally the building blocks that are essential to the life of our cells. Proteins are necessary for the structure, function and the regulation of cells.
Peptides, these little chains have so many variations that they are more complicated and have more functions than amino acids
They act as signaling messenger molecules; they play a critical role and facilitate communication between cells and organs. This is essential for proper immune response, metabolism and hormonal balance
Each peptide has a specific function in the human body. Examples of peptides are Insulin, Glutathione, Oxytocin, Growth hormone, and Enzymes.
Peptides affect blood sugar, digestion, blood pressure, formation of connective tissue and muscles and immune system regulation. They can help with inflammation and even stop microorganism growth in the body.
Peptides play a crucial role in our mental health by regulating our mood, energy, cognitive reasoning, physiological processes, and neurotransmitters.
Peptides possess antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to overall well-being and disease prevention.
They have so many functions and because of this, peptides have significant therapeutic applications in modern medicine. They are used in treatments for conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Peptides are also being studied more and more. We are finding them in our skin creams and supplements because we are finding that they can stimulate the growth of new cells and even repair damaged tissues.
What's super cool about peptides is that to be effective, only small doses of peptide are needed. They also do not accumulate in the tissues, organs or blood. You will develop a relationship with these peptides and sitting with Kambo becomes easier.
What is a peptide?
What makes Kambo peptides special?
There are 11 peptides that have been isolated in Kambo secretion. It is a blend that is completely unique to this tree frog. Scientists have tried to recreate these peptides in the lab as we have done with so many other peptides and it is not possible…….take a moment to truly consider that very interesting fact.
There are over 70 patents being lodged, all in the hope that they can have a sampling of the potent benefits of Kambo.
Kambo contains Neuropeptides
What are Neuropeptides and Why are they important Neuropeptides increase synaptic signaling and more amazing, they cross the BBB or the blood brain barrier. That means that they are able to shield the brain from damage, reduce inflammation and allow healing.
Kambo Peptides have not been studied very much since they are new to the scene, yet this is what we do know.
The peptides in Kambo are:
Phyllo Caerulein – a neuropeptide (a special type of peptide that helps neurons communicate in the brain) that reduces blood pressure, modifies satiety (stomach fullness), and manages sedation and thermoregulation. It’s also a potent pain killer. Caerulein affects the smooth muscles of the body, this helps these smooth muscles contract around the colon so that the body can excrete waste more effectively. This is important for people that suffer from digestive disorders. Caerulein also drops the blood pressure quickly and this causes the heart to beat quickly which might seem counter intuitive, yet it has the potential to help those with hypertension. Caerulein also affects the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is the master gland, it affects all the other glands, which can in turn lead to faster reflexes and heightened senses.
Phyllokinin – a peptide that reduces blood pressure in the long-term and crosses the blood-brain barrier to help take Kambo’s benefits to the brain.
Phyllomedusin – a neuropeptide (unique to Kambo) that does quite a few wonderful things. It acts as a powerful vasodilator, widening and relaxing blood vessels, veins, and arteries. Phyllomedusin is a Tachykinin peptide. The tachykinins: a family of evolutionary peptides that are actively involved in the peripheral nervous system, cardiovascular system and the immune system. These peptides are prompt and powerful vasodilators, hypotensive and stimulate smooth muscle. This particular peptide is great for those that have high blood pressure and would like to get some relief. Many people are able to reduce or eliminate high blood pressure medication
Dermorphin – a chain that acts on opioid receptors to reduce pain. The peptide Dermorphin – is a chain that acts on opioid receptors to reduce pain. It is 30-40 times more potent than morphine.
Deltorphin – another peptide that interacts with opioid receptors, showing higher selectivity for them than any compound known to man. There are 2 Deltorphins in Kambo, adding to its pain-killing properties. This peptide plays a role in modulating stress responses
Dermaseptin – dermaseptins are a family of peptides and come in a variety. These are Antimicrobial and Lysine rich. They bind to the cell membrane of the target cell, they permeate it and they cause disruption to the lipid chain, eventually causing the target cell membrane to collapse. These peptides are impressive for their antimicrobial, antiviral and fungicidal properties making Kambo good for STDs, HPV, warts, rabies, candida and other common pathogens. They can reduce bacterial growth and inflammatory response and promote wound repair and healing process Antimicrobial Peptides - BOC Sciences. The University of Paris got a lot of attention when they studied this and found it to be very effective in killing cancer cells, effectively turning off their fuel supply.
Adenoregulin –(dermaseptin B2) is an antimicrobial peptide with six lysine residues made of 33 amino acids. This has been studied the most by a man named John Daly at the National Institute of Health. He discovered that adenoregulin affects cellular energy, this is a beacon of hope for cognitive issues like Parkinsons, Alzheimers, and depression,
Tryptophyllin – a peptide that has been shown to be highly potent against the yeast Candida Albicans.It is also an antioxidant. If you would like to get nerdy and read an article about this peptide read this
3 neuropeptides that stimulate gastric acid secretion and smooth muscle contraction Phyllolitorin -.Rohdei-Litorin and [Leu8] Phyllolitorin.
Many blessings on your health and wellness journey.
Kambo Practitioner, Yoga Teacher, Spiritual Advisor, Natural Living and Chocolate Lover
www.StellaLunaYoga.com You Tube Yoga Videos