Sananga. Inner and Outer Vision
Apr 22, 2024Sananga
Sananga eye drops are a master plant ally. They are made from the roots and bark of the Sananga (Tabernaemontana undulata) shrub and filtered water.
Sananga eye drops are a sacred and potent medicine used by the Amazonian tribes for healing of both the physical and spiritual bodies.
Traditionally, the tribes would use Sananga as a hunting tool to sharpen the eyes before going out into the jungle, to ensure a quick and successful quest.
Sananga should be worked within a ceremonial setting to purify the physical and spiritual vision, utilizing intention and prayer. It is often used in tandem with hapé, kambo, and master plants.
Used by traditional peoples who believe it to treat:
~ Astigmatism~ Blindness~ Cataracts~ Farsightedness
~ Glaucoma~ Myopia~ Nearsightedness
Spiritual Benefits:
~ Opens the inner vision~ Awakens the intuition
~ Calms the central nervous system, helps release negativity and anger
~May help overcome depression and anxiety~ Increases visual perception and enhances colors
~ Resets the body’s emotional field and opens the heart
Benefits of Tabernaemontana genus which is found in sananga:
Studies show that Tabernaemontana pachysiphon and Tabernaemontana angulata, found in sananga, are effective in treating skin infections because of its antimicrobial properties.
Tabernaemontana stapfiana is effective in preventing fungal growth.
Tabernaemontana genus also has strong antioxidant properties which play a critical role in preventing age-related ocular problems.
Tabernaemontana pandacaqui has anti-inflammatory effects used for treating arthritis.
Study shows that Tabernaemontana species, specifically the T. elegans is an effective cancer killer.
The eye drops are administered while the eyes are closed. Center your breath, open your eyes, look around side to side and up and down and close your eyes will probably close tight. Keep breathing and surrender, it only lasts a minute. The burning sensation is usually very short and causes the release of endorphins and is super helpful to get you in your body and leave you feeling calm, centered and relaxed. A beautiful tool to support meditation.